I hereby declare,

Name, firstname  
zip code/city  
that I accept a sponsorship for the support of a dog to the amount of monthly €_________ (Minimum € 12,00 per month).
This amount will be paid quarterly and is without any obligation. For appreziation, I will receive a certificate of “my dog” after the payment is made.
Mode of payment: quarterly:
I would like a tax certificate: yes / no (Please mark)
Mode of payment:

Banktransfer to the following account:
Staffordshire-Hilfe e. V.
Postbank Berlin (BLZ 100 100 10)
AccountNr. 498 367 102

The sponsorship can volountarily be extended by the sponsor for three months until we found a home for the dog. Should we find a home before the three months, we can offer a refund.
Christine Prochnow (1. Vorsitzende)
Benzmannstr. 36
12167 Berlin
Tel./FAX 030-796 13 07
Mobil 0171-687 34 68
Birgit Nispel (2. Vorsitzende)
Am Wiesenrain 24
12587 Berlin
Tel. : 030-641 97 182
Fax.: 030-644 88 092


Postanschrift: Christine Prochnow * Postfach 41 06 48 * 12116 Berlin